Sunday, January 30, 2011


So in an earlier post I was disappointed in the wall behind my piano, which happens to be in my dining room...All because there was a this very ugly light in that space...However I am proud to announce that the divine Mr. P. delivered!! and its gone! bye bye! whoo!~ the eyesore has left {not really its in the garage..} and now in its place is nothing! clean and purty! I also took some inspiration from a lovely lady: Emily Jones.....and her design blog. I will be posting pics to follow so you can see how pretty it turned out! Keep posted and have more fun stuff to come!~ xoxo

Monday, January 24, 2011


This weekend was a long weekend. Not only was it jammed packed with "have too's" but we also had a sick kiddo at home to contend with.... Do you have to deal with "have too's"? I hate them. {very strong word I know but it was necessary here...} I really do. My mother once told me that if you "have too" do something, it means you don't really want to do it. I cannot stand it when she is right. Anyhow, I am a busy person, I have long laundry lists of all of the things I am responsible for and some of those things are "have too's". Does that mean I don't have to do them?? No, because they won't be done by anyone else. You all know that out there in blog land....... For instance, this summer, Mr.P. was especially busy and no one would mow the lawn, did I want to?! No, but I had to because the neighbors would make a comment. {Why they don't tell my hubby when he is home and working outside I don't know, but they must feel like if they tell me I will hop to it......}I would like to know what happens when you finally put your foot down, and say no. Does the world fall apart? Will your house crumble down around you? Will you have a visit from social services because your children's beds aren't made? Do you know how many games I have missed playing because the dishes had to be done? uggghhh. I think PCC needs to offer a class on how to not be busy. I think it would be pretty popular........ Enjoy your Monday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

so on this {what I would call...} a dreary Tuesday, with a mountain of laundry, piles of dishes, 5 unmade beds, and a bored dog....... This is where I wished I was....Me and the hubster on horses, casually trotting along the beach. Of course, now if this was REAL, my dog would be making the horses crazy, my kids would be fighting about who would be riding ahead of the other one, and Mr. P. would be complaining that the saddle was too small and his butt hurt. But I digress....Not many of you know a lot about me, and that is ok, {I am mysterious! hahahah...} I would love to sell off this suburban lifestyle and home school my kids, I would love and I mean love to have a working farm. The simplistic lifestyle that we see from the outside is actually a lot of work...My parents sold their life in suburbia when I got married and my sister finally moved out to do just that. My dad for years wished that we could get out of the city and buy a farm. My mom didn't like that and we never did. However now I see why he wanted it, the quiet, the fresh air, the boundless opportunities to be creative out of doors....Mr. P and I contemplated it, when the kids were little....We would go on the weekends to visit and the chores that you had to do just to keep the place up was enormous, seriously. However the best part of that, was when the chores were done you could see the fruits of your labor. IE: chickens fed, eggs gathered, horse stalls cleaned and horses ready to ride, cows fed and happy..... not like now when you get maybe 2-3 hours of clean house and dishes only to have your kiddos home and destroy it like a tornado came through. {so not complaining, just observation...} The jet set city life has its ups and downs, but farm life is about family, in its essence. The family is a team, you work as a team to get it done. Everyone pitches in. Otherwise it doesn't get done.  When we moved back to Portland, we thought we could do the urban farm thing {which I completely miss..} and have chickens and for that brief time of having them, my kids were completely happy. They wanted to help. It was amazing to them to see how the chickens laid eggs, how many they got, what they loved to eat, and how cool it was to have chickens as a pet instead of the typical dog or cat. Now fast forward 3 years, and I cannot get them to help take the dog for a walk unless its 74 degrees out and not a cloud in the sky! We have conversations about selling and moving to a farm a lot here, and they all would love it, but would miss the city life...  I guess that is why we haven't as of yet, this city mouse is really not ready to be a country mouse quite yet. But someday she will and will be completely content.......So for now I will stare longingly into this photo and wish upon a star that we can be that couple someday..... Mr. P only has 9 more years until retirement, and that isn't that far off...... It may happen just yet! xoxox

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Well I did it.....I have made the decision to post a blog that will do what everyone has been asking me to do... I will "try" to incorporate decorating ideas, bites from my favorite blogs {I have quite a few that I follow...} and hopefully, you will find some inspiring ideas and thoughts along the way! Thanks for reading!