Friday, June 22, 2012

*photo courtesy of Oregon-Live
Farmers Market.

Do you go? When was the last time you went? To tell the truth, I don't buy my veggies at the super market. Why? They have been there for a while for starters, and if you read any labels, most of the produce doesn't come from around here...... Did you get that last bit?? Not from around here..... Here in the Portland/Vancouver metro area we are a lucky bunch. We have lots of Farmers Markets. There is a large one in downtown Vancouver, and in downtown Portland. Then a few years ago, Kaiser started with the Wednesday Farmers Market in North Portland. {like I said a lucky bunch} I strolled the isles of a *will remain nameless large market* here in Vancouver recently, and more than half of the produce came from Mexico. MEXICO. {there is nothing wrong with Mexico, just don't want to eat your strawberries when I live in a place that can grow them...} Then a large quantity of produce comes from California. Again, love the place...... Anyhow, with that said I am no dummy and know that I will have to eat some produce from outside of my state. Avocados=California, Oranges=Florida. Got it. I know that not everything that I eat can be grown here. However the things I can grow but don't shouldn't be an arm and a leg either. Then they import because its cheaper to grow somewhere else. Don't you think it should be the other way around??? I think we as a nation of eaters are missing the point. You need to eat things in season to get the best bang for your nutritional buck, and hot house tomatoes don't fit the bill. What is my point? Pay attention to labels, what are you putting in your body? Quality or quantity? Cheap or good for you? I know I can get cheaper strawberries at a *certain  store that shall be nameless* however, were they drowned in pesticides to get to this point? Are they grown in a hot house? Is it worth it? Nutritionally?? That is what I am getting on my soapbox about. At the end of the day, your feeding these to your babies, and I want mine to eat the very best.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

             {scored these vintage lovelies at a Church tag sale... .25 cents for the bucket}

Garage Sales........Tag Sales..........Yard Sales........
    Do you go, to these? Flea Markets? What about Antique Markets? I was taught at a young age that all things that are wonderful always come back into fashion. Either by actual fashion, {wide leg pants for instance, and now blue eyeshadow...} or by home trends.   I was always taught that instinct is best, if you love it find a home for it, and always use the precious stuff. With that said, I have sterling silver trays and silver bowls to hold everything, I use my china {that is 100yrs old} every day, and I love love love, my vintage table cloths that have holes from so much use. If you haven't been to a Tag Sale, Yard Sale, or Flea Market. Go. Take the kids, grab some Starbucks, and see what you find. There is always a treasure out there waiting for someone to pick up. Yes you will probably see some junk too, but that is the fun of the hunt. Scoring the antique suede wing back tufted chair and matching ottoman in gorge condition, for 60.00 after looking at a lot of junk....Priceless.

Head out and let me know what you find! Check Craig's list, or look on the occasional street sign pole!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Well its getting close! I missed it last year and this year I won't miss it! I have been chatting about this wonderful event to anyone who will listen to me for longer than 5 minutes. My lovely daughter and I are going to attend, and I might even get Mr. Wonderful to attend. {that is a huge feat people....seriously} If you have never seen these boys in action, you must. They have the most amazing ideas and I love their aesthetic. Its calming, wonderful, and cozy. All things I want in my home.  If your in Washington, on the 28th of July, please try to attend! They are on Facebook and give updates on their page as to price to attend and directions. Hope to see you there! 

Thanks for reading!

*This image is property of Barn House.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Well its that time again........Summer vacation time! My lovely 8th grader graduated and is now a Freshman.....Where does time go? We have had a whirl wind year, and cannot believe its over. {seriously, I can't.} I remember saying that I couldn't wait for them to walk, talk, run, ride a bike etc....But now I find myself wishing they were little again, and we were in a stroller going to the library. With what felt like endless time before they started school. 
Now that it is summer {officially} my kids are wanting to go to the picture above. They want to go to the beach. In the 14yrs of my kids life, I have NEVER driven to the beach before. NEVER. No, I am not joking. So, that is on my "Summer before High School Bucket List" Drive to the beach. Just me and the kids. Get a map and mark out where we want to go. Here are a few of the other things the kids would like to do.

Disneyland {duh, not happening however..}
Eat at 4 new restaurants
Clam dig
Go back to Marrowstone Island and ride our bikes down the big hill. {its on Reeder Rd.} 

Just a few things they would like to do. What's on your summer list? 