Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring and Allergies.......

Well, tis be that time again....
 When the hankies come out, Zyrtec gets taken and Benedryl, becomes my best friend.....My kids have horrible allergies. They have had them since they were little. Unfortunately they inherited them from me. I had allergies as long as I can remember. That meant no sleep overs at friends house who had lovely kitties. {super sad face} and no pets. {big super sad face} I learned how to live my  life with out and then as I got older, learned how to keep things tidy {keep the dust down} and what type of vacuum works best for people with allergies. {not the bag-less types, betcha didn't know that!} With spring upon us, here is my go to list that must happen every week:

wash clothes
dust {every other day}
vacuum  {everyday}
change sheets {every Saturday}
change filter in the heater {once a month}
change bag in vacuum {once a month}
as for all of my cleaning products, the list is in a previous blog post. I only use Caldrea and Mrs. Meyers......Good luck all you allergies suffer-res! Wishing you the best!

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