Saturday, June 16, 2012

Well its that time again........Summer vacation time! My lovely 8th grader graduated and is now a Freshman.....Where does time go? We have had a whirl wind year, and cannot believe its over. {seriously, I can't.} I remember saying that I couldn't wait for them to walk, talk, run, ride a bike etc....But now I find myself wishing they were little again, and we were in a stroller going to the library. With what felt like endless time before they started school. 
Now that it is summer {officially} my kids are wanting to go to the picture above. They want to go to the beach. In the 14yrs of my kids life, I have NEVER driven to the beach before. NEVER. No, I am not joking. So, that is on my "Summer before High School Bucket List" Drive to the beach. Just me and the kids. Get a map and mark out where we want to go. Here are a few of the other things the kids would like to do.

Disneyland {duh, not happening however..}
Eat at 4 new restaurants
Clam dig
Go back to Marrowstone Island and ride our bikes down the big hill. {its on Reeder Rd.} 

Just a few things they would like to do. What's on your summer list? 

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