Monday, September 26, 2011

Broken Toe and Frustration.........

   {my booth that used to be at Found on Fremont}

So here it is, the first weekend of fall, and I have a broken toe. Its been in this state for about 3 weeks. uuuggh. There is nothing and I mean nothing that is more frustrating for you then to have to slow down and take it easy during what can be the most exciting part of the year.{for me at least}So I did little things here and there to "fall up" the place. So here is the list of the "go to. must haves" of the fall season:

1. Galvanized buckets, they are amazing, old. and can hold anything from pumpkins to corkscrew willow, and those yummy cinnamon scented pine cones......

2  Pumpkins. Nuff said.

3. Corkscrew willow and maple leaf branches: they are everywhere and people always have them. Its easy to take a branch and just incorporate it behind a stack of pumpkins on your porch. Instant texture {for free!}

4. Grasses and kale: they are the easiest fix. When I do people's porches or do the mantle, that is the go to item. They add height and they add drama. You  don't even have to take them out of the little plastic pot they came in... just put your pumpkins down, then the grasses behind, and kale on the side {sounds like I'm ordering dinner...} after the season is over, you can plant them in the garden.
So there you have it.  Enjoy your Monday, while I have a cup of Joe, and elevate my toe.

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