Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well here it is. My favorite time of year. Fall is the best isn't it? I mean when can you see crisp mornings fresh with dew, and chilly east wind, warm up to a sunny beautiful day? Seriously. The colors are amazing, most of the best produce is out during fall, and there is an energy in the air. I remember when I was a kid, walking home from school, and the east wind was blowing, just thinking how fresh it was, so clean the air seemed. Even now when I know the east wind is coming, the windows need to be open. To air the house out. So when this time of year rolls around, I get a little {just a little}excited. Take pumpkins. Just looking at them makes you smile.
 Fall is the last hurrah  for all plants and flowers to show off before they go to sleep for winter. So take time and enjoy the sights around you and really take it in. Its quite intoxicating!

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